😇Fair launch details

⭐ Fairlaunch allocation: 40% = 2760000000 $PSY

⭐ Fairlaunch price: ______

⭐ Initial LP: 51% of the amount raised

⭐ Soft cap : 100 BNB

⭐ Model : Overflow

In addition, 0.62% of the total supply ( 42780000 $PSY) will be used for market making (as indicated in the tokenomics)

Launchpad : https://www.pinksale.finance/

⭐ Soft Cap - 100BNB

⭐ Hard Cap - None

⭐ Starting Marketcap - $ 33,000

⭐ FDV - 55,000$

⭐ Initial Circulating Supply - 4,140,000,000

⭐ Vested Supply - 2,760,000,000

CA : 0x64F156Bd914ae7D377e61f8b985eE64DAa66ae80

Last updated